Filter by Keywords Document category Data and Service SharingData SpecificationsINSPIREINSPIRE in your CountryLearnMaintenance and ImplementationMetadataMIG Work ProgrammeMonitoring and ReportingNetwork ServicesSpatial Data ServicesUseToggle dropdown Document type Call for participation / expression of interestCommission report / documentConsolidated LegislationConsultation DocumentData and service sharing examplesGuidance documentLegislationOther DocumentsPresentationStatus ReportTechnical ReportTerms of referenceToggle dropdown Search Clear filters Document library (105) RSS Showing results 100 to 105 Implementing regulation3 December 2008Provisional dataCOMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1205/2008TeaserGeneral publications3 October 2008Provisional dataDefinition of Annex Themes and Scope (D 2.3, Version 3.0)-General guidelines6 May 2008Provisional dataNon-binding guidelines for Metadata Implementing Rules using EN ISO 19115/19119-General publications7 April 2008Provisional dataMethodology for the development of data specifications: baseline version (D 2.6, Version 3.0)-General publications26 April 2007Provisional dataDirective 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)- Previous1...91011Page 11
General publications3 October 2008Provisional dataDefinition of Annex Themes and Scope (D 2.3, Version 3.0)-
General guidelines6 May 2008Provisional dataNon-binding guidelines for Metadata Implementing Rules using EN ISO 19115/19119-
General publications7 April 2008Provisional dataMethodology for the development of data specifications: baseline version (D 2.6, Version 3.0)-
General publications26 April 2007Provisional dataDirective 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)-