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Maintenance and Implementation


In the INSPIRE Committee meeting on 8 April 2013, it was agreed to set up a Commission expert group called INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Group (MIG) with representatives of the INSPIRE National Contact Points.

The tasks of the MIG are:

  • To bring about an exchange of experience and good practices related to the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive and the Implementing Rules
  • To identify and give advice about the priority issues to be addressed in the maintenance of the INSPIRE Directive, Implementing Rules and/or Technical Guidance documents
  • To identify issues related to INSPIRE implementation and advise the Commission on how to address them
  • To prepare and regularly update the rolling Work Programme for INSPIRE maintenance and implementation to be agreed by the INSPIRE Committee and the Commission

In the context of the modernization and evolution of INSPIRE,  the MIG experts play a key role in the governance and update of the INSPIRE artefacts and  Good Practice endorsement procedure.



The MIG is supported by one permanent sub-group focusing on technical aspects (MIG-T) as well as a number of temporary sub-groups focusing on specific actions defined in the Maintenance and Implementation Work Programme (MIWP). The basis of the group and its sub-groups is the MIWP.

The MIG is complemented by a pool of experts drawn from the stakeholder community. The experts in this pool will be called upon when MIG sub-groups are formed to address specific implementation or maintenance issues, but will also provide the opportunity to reach out to experts involved or interested in particular aspects of INSPIRE implementation or maintenance.


MIWP 2021 - 2024

Based on the emerging policy landscape defined by the European Strategy for Data, and the status of the implementation and impact of INSPIRE, the new work programme, endorsed during the 12th MIG meeting, focuses on the following key strategic objectives:

  1. Develop a future vision for the role of INSPIRE in the Green Deal Data space in particular, and the EU Common Data space in general
  2. Define the INSPIRE “crown jewels” – those data sets/themes, for which tangible benefits for environment policy, the implementation of the European Green Deal or other political priorities can be expected
  3. Develop an implementation plan to focus implementation efforts to maximise availability, ensure interoperability and reach pan-European spatial coverage for this well-defined set of priority data
  4. Continue work on simplifying and mainstreaming the technical requirements of the INSPIRE Directive, taking into account emerging paradigms, standards and technologies
  5. Define the transition from the current legal framework to a digital ecosystem for environment and sustainability

These key objectives are grouped into the following main areas of work for the work programme:

  • Area of work 1: A digital ecosystem for the environment and sustainability;
  • Area of work 2: Towards a common implementation landing zone;
  • Area of work 3: GreenData4All.

These new strategic directions guide the work programme and should result in immediate actions to demonstrate that the INSPIRE Directive can be implemented in a proportionate, faster and pragmatic way.

For more details, see the MIG collaboration space (meetings, wiki, issue tracker, consultations and calls for participation).