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INSPIRE helpdesk


Starting from January 2021, all the INSPIRE helpdesks and discussion platforms are operated and managed in the dedicated Maintenance and Implementation GitHub space.

This migration has allowed centralising and integrating the management of all issues and discussions related to INSPIRE in a single infrastructure, avoiding the use of custom and often disconnected tools.

The new space includes the new helpdesks for each of the INSPIRE central components:

  • a helpdesk for the INSPIRE Geoportal
  • a helpdesk for the INSPIRE Registry 
  • a helpdesk for the INSPIRE Reference Validator

In addition, it also includes a generic INSPIRE helpdesk that shall be used for more generic INSPIRE-related questions or issues, which are not specific to any of the central components.

The old platform hosting the helpdesks for the INSPIRE Geoportal and the INSPIRE Registry was dismissed as of January 2021. The related contents have been archived and are archived available here.

In contrast, the helpdesk content of the INSPIRE Reference Validator was fully migrated to the new helpdesk.

The INSPIRE Community Forum was dismissed on 31 January 2021. The related contents have been archived and are available here.

Please note: If you are trying to access a known URL from the forum directly, you can do this by prepending to your https URL.