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Contact points

Organisation Contact Email
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage Inspire [dot] IEathousing [dot] gov [dot] ie (Send Mail)

MIG Representatives

MIG Representatives

Country Representative Email
Ireland Emma Reeves Emma [dot] reevesathousing [dot] gov [dot] ie (Emma[dot]reeves[at]housing[dot]gov[dot]ie)
Ireland Eamonn Foley Eamonn [dot] Foleyathousing [dot] gov [dot] ie (Eamonn[dot]Foley[at]housing[dot]gov[dot]ie)


MIG-T Representatives

Country Representative Email
Ireland Eamonn Foley Eamonn [dot] Foleyathousing [dot] gov [dot] ie (Eamonn[dot]Foley[at]housing[dot]gov[dot]ie)