Go to training module: INSPIRE advanced
Member States started the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in 2007. Since then more than 250.000 spatial data and network services have been made available through the European, national and thematic geoportals. However, the integration of INSPIRE network services in day-to-day business processes remains a challenge. There are many good practices of the use of geographic information in the context of e-Governmental processes in which many Government to Citizens (G2C), Government to Business (G2B) and Government to Government (G2G) interactions take place. Moreover, the INSPIRE approach can certainly be applied in other policy domains and its added value will become most obvious in cross-border and cross-sector applications.
This module deals with how INSPIRE can become a key enabler in e-Government business processes. It places the INSPIRE initiative in the context of other initiatives and broader technological developments. The module explains INSPIRE potential future developments and its maintenance programme. Examples of the integration of location information in e-Governmental processes are given, with focus on cross-sector and cross-border applications. The training material consist of presentations, supporting documents and a weblecture. The module is a self-learning module.
This seminar contains the following parts:
- Introduction – INSPIRE and e-Government
- INSPIRE and e-Government processes
- INSPIRE and e-Government architectures
- INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation
- Trends and challenges in the geospatial domain
Learning outcomes
After the training offer, the learner will be able to: describe and summarise the main elements of the INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Framework (MIF) as well as the recent developments; identify who is who in the INSPIRE implementation (INSPIRE maintenance and implementation group, pool of experts); describe and explain the relationship of INSPIRE with Copernicus, GEO, the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS), the European Union Location Framework (EULF), the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) and the PSI Directive; define and discuss the main opportunities and challenges of integrated INSPIRE services in e-Government; and recognize and illustrate the cross-border usability of the INSPIRE services using case-studies and success stories..
Intended Audience
This seminar aims at professionals seeking for a more in depth insight in the challenges of the INSPIRE initiative and want to build further on the opportunities INSPIRE offers (e.g. managers of SME’s and public bodies). Also unemployed people seeking new job opportunities.
Participants should know the basics about INSPIRE or have followed the Introduction to INSPIRE.
Training format
PDF documents, presentations, Weblecture. The module is a self-learning module.
Expected Workload
4 hours
This training module has been developed within the context of the smeSpire project in 2014 (http://www.smespire.eu/).
Author: Glenn Vancauwenberghe – KU Leuven. The material is provided under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/).
Training Category:
3. Technological trends and innovative solutions